Friday, April 2, 2010

Cookie finale.

Cookie sales and delivery was over many weeks ago - but we still had things to do to finish up the season. We first had HOMETOWN HERO cookies to be delivered. Our original charity was The Ronald McDonald House in downtown Denver. Our troop was able to give 24 boxes of cookies to them. Because we had over 100 boxes that were donated we also donated cookies to the troops. Tiffany took over 50 boxes to the girl scout headquarters where they pool all the cookies from all the troops in the area (that were donated) and they ship then to our troops in Iraq, and other locations. And our final bit of donated cookies (about 24 boxes) were given to our local FIREHOUSE. Last week our troop walked them over and dropped them off. The firefighters were so thankful for our donation. They pooled their money together and donated $40 to OUR TROOP! That was very generous of them in exchange. Here are some photos of the hometown heros cookie delivery. Then after all those cookies were delivered our troop still had a alittle over 100 cookies to sell. Cookies that were left over from booth sales that we were unable to return. Thanks to everyone who were able to sell a few more boxes here and there - and to Francesca for doing a BIG WALK ABOUT over spring break. (more on that in a later post)

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