Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Learning more about girl scouting (daisys)

Today Estella was our helper.(and i was shocked when i saw Maria was sick, and then again to hear it was Estellsa birthday) I was excited because she is a leader of an older troop. I had some questions about some particials like the friendship circle and also needed some help with the what to do with the troop at the end of the meetings when they run wild. (songs, chants - etc) The girls worked on another flower - "Friendly & Helpful" and we sang happy birthday to Estella... with the "fighting chickens" at the end (i still dont understand that) At the end we worked on learning the friendship circle and the girls did great. Also - my mom, Penny, has been around to help at meeting too. It is good to have an extra pair of hands - the girls keep us all busy. My mom was my girl scout leader when I was growing up, starting as a Brownie troop.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

where cookies come from -

I had heard about the cooke pick up and was anxious to witness it. I went along with Tiffany (the courageous cookie mom - and co-leader for our troop) and i expected to be working... moving boxes and boxes of cookies. instead we both just sat there and watched the "machine" of these cookie elves as we moved from station to station (of each different kind of cookie) as our lady read off how many boxes - there would be guys throwing the boxes to each other and another in the car stacking them neatly. it was a very quick, efficient and pretty amazing to watch. 900 some boxes... (not sure how many cases) and we were off to Tiffanys house to unload them in her dining room.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

meeting #2

This meeting we started a series of flowers for our daisy flower pots. In the daisy books the girls plant seeds/gardens and watch them grow. I had heard from other troop leaders that it is messy and not all that do-able in colorado in the winter time. Some offered the suggestion to use silk flowers to represent what each flower is teaching us. I thought we would make ours. The first flower is "Honest & Fair" The girls needed a little help, but i think they will get the hang of it as we continue making them. We also had gorgeous weather, so the girls got some outside time as well. The helper today was Stephanie & samantha Adamson- thanks for the help!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


It is girl scout cookie sales time. i made a troop goal of 30 boxes per girl - for a total of 300 boxes. Tiffany is the cookie mom - THANK YOU TIffany! If you have questions I can try to help you - if not - i would guess Tiffany would know the answer.

the start - troop # 3654

Today was our first actual meeting. A lot of work has gone in to this troop already so I was so anxious to get the girls together and actually start doing and learning things. We made our daisy bags so we can carry our daisy books and whatever else we have for the meetings. We also went over the Girl Scout Law and Promise. Tiffany - Paytons mom, and the co-leader for the troop was our helping mom. Payton is the one always making the girls laugh, today she introduced herself as "Cheese" I think it will be a long standing joke around here. I think the girls had a great time - and we have 10 more meetings in front of us that i hope are equally as fun.